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1 artículos

Computer busses have two parts: - ANSWER An address bus and a data bus. Random access memory (RAM) is volatile, which means that - ANSWER It loses stored data when power is lost. A server is a computer that - ANSWER Provides resources to other computers.

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Computer busses have two parts: - ANSWER An address bus and a data bus. Random access memory (RAM) is volatile, which means that - ANSWER It loses stored data when power is lost. A server is a computer that - ANSWER Provides resources to other computers. The Typical user of Network management and utility software are - ANSWER Information Systems Personal and network administrators Basic computer functions such as reading and writing files, and managing input/output (I/O) requests are pe...

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  • Examen
  •  • 6 páginas • 
  • por mackmarkersmoris • 
  • subido  06-04-2024
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