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2 artículos

Analysis of all texts for Midterm 1: ANTH1 UCSD

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An in-depth analysis of the following texts: 1. “Deep Play” by Clifford Geertz 2. The Goddess and the Computer 3. “The Anthropology Of Magic” by Susan Greenwood 4. “Behavior, Belonging, and Belief” by Marshall 5. “Body Ritual Among the Nacirema” by Miner 6. “The Bare Facts of Ritual” by J. Z. Smith Which have all been covered in the first half of the quarter and present on the first midterm for Anthropology 1: Introduction to Culture, at UCSD. Grade Received on the M...

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  •  • 9 páginas • 
  • por studentofucsd • 
  • subido  10-11-2023
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Features of Strepsirrhines Primates (all Families and Species)- ANTH2 UCSD

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Lists the location, diet, activity pattern, locomotion, social organization, reproduction, and notable features of all families and species of strepsirrhines. Families included: Lorise, Galagidae, Daubentoniidae, Lemuridae, Indriidae, Cheirogaleidae, Lepilemur Species included: Loris, Potto, Galagos (bushbabies), Aye-Aye, Bamboo, Ruffed, Ring tailed, True lemurs, Indri, Sifaka, Avahi, Dwarf , Mouse, Sportive Lemur

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  •  Book
  • Resumen
  •  • 1 páginas • 
  • por studentofucsd • 
  • subido  05-11-2023
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